Master Planning is typically the first step a community takes to identify existing issues and potential solutions to both stormwater drainage and water quality.

Communities may also consider Master Plan updates to replace outdated studies and/or to identify additional improvements given aging infrastructure and to adapt to new regulations. The Master Planning process can typically be divided into the following phases: (1) Baseline Hydrology; (2) Problem Identification; (3) Alternative Evaluation; and (4) Selected Plan of Improvements. These efforts typically endeavor to meet the following objectives:
- Identify long-term capital improvements and rehabilitation measures for existing drainage or water quality systems
- Be an instrument for implementation of future improvements associated with new developments within the urban growth boundary
- Provide a basis for prioritizing and scheduling required improvements (implementation plan)
- Provide the flexibility to implement improvements that afford flood protection while being cost effective
- Address environmental, water quality, recreational, open space and drainage corridor planning issues.
Recent Master Planning efforts have also been expanding to include Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permitting assistance as MS4 regulations are implemented by the communities.
Each of our Master Planning projects are catered to meet our clients’ needs, but can include any/all of the following:
- Review of previously completed studies/improvements by the community
- Updated hydrologic analyses using current modeling techniques
- Hydraulic modeling of existing/future open channel and closed conduit drainage elements using 1D/2D, steady state and unsteady state modeling techniques
- Identification of existing and future drainage problem locations
- Development/revision of drainage improvement plans including preparation of conceptual designs and cost estimates
- Development of a prioritization and implementation plan
- MS4 Minimum Control Measures (MCM) support, as needed
ACE has completed Master Plans for several municipalities in Northern Colorado, including Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Windsor, Wellington, Fredrick and Dacono.
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