Chestnut Drainage Improvement Project

Chestnut Drainage Project Looking Downstream

Culvert Placement

Before and After 100yr Floodplains

Chestnut culvert construction

Final culvert alignment

Chestnut Project Completion May 2024

Project Summary

The portion of the Town of Windsor between Chestnut Street and East Garden Street, just east of 1st Street was subject to relatively frequent flooding. Proposed drainage improvements included as part of the 2003 Master Plan, were formulated with the intent of reducing local flooding by optimizing existing and proposed detention facilities (Phase I) and installation of storm sewer and channel improvements (Phase II). Now completed, Phase I & Phase II removed 86 residential properties from the 100-year floodplain and reduced street flooding by up to 1.5-feet.


  • Client/Owner: Town of Windsor
  • Project Location: Windsor, Colorado
  • Approximate Project Cost: $5.9 Million
  • Project Completion Date: Phase I (2021), Phase II (2024)
  • Phase I Project Components:
    • 21,000 cubic yards of excavation to provide additional stormwater detention
    • Installation of 830 linear feet of 48-in RCP and 1,600 linear feet of 60-in RCP
    • Construction of new pond outlet structure
    • Realigned existing irrigation pipe for Kern Ditch
    • Relocated four water lines and replaced 4,300 square yards of asphalt
  • Phase II Project Components:
    • Installation of 180 feet of triple 8’x2′ RCBC and 1,000 feet of 60-in RCP
    • Inlets installed: 6 triple Type 13 combination inlets, 6 Type D inlets, 20 feet of Type R inlet
    • Construction of Folkstone Pond Forebay, and two large junction boxes for pipe transitions
    • Relocation of 16-in DIP waterline, 8-in sanitary sewer, and the Kern Ditch

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